M.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering
In the present scenario of Information & Communication Technology, Communication Engineering is of vital importance for any society. The communication revolution has led the whole world being global village concept.
The proposed M.Tech. Program is designed to offer not only in-depth theoretical knowledge in the area of Communications, Signal Processing, and Wireless Networks, but also system modeling and integration aspects emphasizing overall system behavioral studies in a laboratory. Such courses are unique and fall in-line with the requirements from the industries. At the end of the programme the student achieves the ability to identify pressing research issues and research directions in Communications, Signal Processing, and Wireless Networks.
The objectives of the program are:
- To develop communication engineers to meet the increasing demand for manpower in the field of communication technology.
- To impart in-depth knowledge of Communication Engineering Theory and Practice sessions by exposing them to various fields like optical network, signal processing (basic and advanced), high performance networks, advanced radiation systems and digital communication.
- To provide the theoretical basis of communication through Probability Theory and Random Process.
- To train the students in laboratories on the design and implementation of communication
- To train the students in laboratories on the design and implementation of communication subsystems based on DSP, Wireless Communication, Antenna Design and Optical Network.
- The Specialization of the faculty members includes communication system engineering VLSI applied Electronics, Wireless Communication, Embedded System and Computer Science
- The Laboratories are equipped with high end equipments like ADSP processor kits, Microwave benches, Optical fiber benches, Advanced communication kits, DSO, Microprocessor kits, Micro Controller kits, and latest software’s like MATLAB, B2B SPICE, XILINX to impart hands on experience and training in the latest technology to complement their theoretical knowledge.